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Results > Pay Equity: (4)

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Equity Matters: The 5 Essential Steps of a Pay Equity Analysis
Friday, August 23, 2024 OpenComp Many business leaders know this stat: Women make 82 cents to every dollar earned by men. But most business leaders can’t tell you what the gender wage gap looks like at their own companies. Pay equity analyses can change that.
RoleMapper's Guide to Job Families
Thursday, July 25, 2024 RoleMapper Without a solid framework, tackling issues like pay transparency, establishing clear career paths or adopting a skills-based approach can feel like an uphill battle. Our guide lays out the crucial steps when building a more agile job structure.
10 Best Practices for Compensation Management
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 By implementing these best practices, your organization can develop a robust compensation strategy that attracts and retains talent, promotes equity, and supports your evolving business needs.
A Practical Guide to Job Architecture
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 RoleMapper Jobs sit at the heart of strategic organizational priorities and people processes, making the need for future-proofed job frameworks more important than ever. Our guide looks at the key steps to a robust and agile job architecture.
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